Est affectus et defectus meaning
Est affectus et defectus meaning

est affectus et defectus meaning

Grosseteste, en sus reflexiones musicales, sigue a Agustín de Hipona y ambos, en partes desiguales, algunas de las ideas aristotélicas y neoplatónicas aplicables a la música. Then it will revisit some of the same texts to address the more difficult question of distinction ex parte rei.Įn este artículo abordamos un aspecto de la estética medieval que muestra con claridad la profunda ligazón entre diversas tradiciones filosóficas: el de la estética musical. After giving a brief introduction to Grosseteste's aspectus/affectus distinction, this paper will examine key passages from his Letter 1, his De Libero Arbitrio, and his Hexaëmeron to show that Grosseteste tacitly but knowingly rejected the substance/accident composition of the soul and its powers. Are the soul's powers identical with the simple substance of the soul, or are they accidents of it? When it is granted that the powers are identical with the substance of the soul, for Robert Grosseteste, the second question is whether any distinction ex parte rei may still be applicable to the soul and its powers in general, and to aspectus and affectus in particular. The first question is that of substance/accident composition. This paper proposes to investigate two important questions pertaining to Grosseteste's metaphysics of the soul. The answer to this question is inextricable from the broader question of the relationship of the soul to its powers. One major question that must be answered is how Grosseteste conceived of aspectus and affectus on the level of being. Although Grosseteste scholars have long recognized the importance of his aspectus/affectus distinction, it has until now received little sustained attention. By distinguishing the aspectus from the affectus and then describing their relationship, Grosseteste made some of his most profound observations about the soul. Aspectus principally denotes reason, and affectus refers to the will and emotions. " desire " or " affection ") to name the cognitive and appetitive powers of the rational soul. Throughout at least four decades of his scholarly career, Grosseteste frequently used the terms aspectus (lit. Robert Grosseteste (c.1168/1170-1253) is an important figure in the history of science, philosophy, and theology.


This is the full version of a paper I presented at the 2017 Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies Conference at Villanova University. His repeated use of the distinction to explain key verses concerning salvation illustrates how his view of the soul is vitally significant to his view of salvation. After a brief introduction of texts and concepts, this paper will survey the theologically significant passages with a view to identifying how Grosseteste's distinction shapes his interaction with Paul and traditional interpretations of Paul. The aspectus/affectus distinction appears no less than nine times in these works, and on several occasions its use is theologically significant. This paper will examine the use of aspectus and affectus in Grosseteste's Expositio in epistulam sancti Pauli ad Galatas and in the fragments of his glosses on the other Pauline epistles that survive in quotations by Thomas Gascoigne. Although Grosseteste scholars have long recognized the importance of his aspectus/affectus distinction, it has received little sustained attention.

est affectus et defectus meaning est affectus et defectus meaning

" desire " or " affection ") to name the cognitive and appetitive powers of the soul. Throughout at least three decades of his scholarly career, Grosseteste frequently used the terms aspectus (lit. Among his theological works are commentaries on multiple portions of the Bible. The paper received the prize for "Best Graduate Student Paper." Robert Grosseteste (c.1168/70-1253) is perhaps best known for his contributions to the history of science, but he was also a translator, philosopher, a very important bishop, and one of England's premier theologians. This is a paper I presented at the Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America on Apin Toronto.

Est affectus et defectus meaning